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The Electromagnetic Spectrum in Homeopathy

PART    I:   Elementary Physics and the Property of Electromagnetism

  1. Natural Resonant Frequency.

  2. Electromagnetic Resonance at an Atomic Level

  3. Nuclear Magnetism



PART   II:   Application of the Electromagnetic Spectrum in Homoeopathy

  1. The preparation of Potency ( The Plussing Technique )

  2. The therapeutics of Potency ( Posology ) in a diseased individual

  3. The Process of Cure i.e. Patterns of Remedy Reactions









  1.1 Natural Resonant Frequency


It is an accepted fact, that any given substance - in whatever form or type - has a natural resonant frequency

(nrf ) that is individual to that substance . This may vary in form, e.g. ( 1 ) Glass in different shapes ( a cup or a window - pane has a different n.r.f. ( 2 ) A cup under different conditions ( empty , half - full , or full ) has a different n.r.f.


Now this glass can absorb energy from an external source if the frequency of that energy is close to the n.r.f. of the glass. However, the energy absorbed by the glass will be maximum at that particular frequency which is its n.r.f.  At this frequency, the glass can absorb such a large amount of energy that is unable to contain its cohesive structure and so it shatters, thus releasing this energy.


  1.2  Electromagnetic energy at an Atomic Level


This concept may be understood at two levels;

At the atomic level, where electromagnetism is displayed by the electrons, having a rotational motion in orbit as well as a spin around their axis. Some of these magnetic energies cancel out. But a net spin in one direction produces a ' magnetic moment ' in one direction i.e. a magnetic dipole ' u ', which is due to a property called PARAMAGNETISM.

Examples of this property are the so-called ' transition elements ' such as Mn 2+  , the rare earths such as Gd3+, and the actinide elements such as U 4+.


Substances also show a property called DIMAGNETISM which is very feeble in substances that ultimately have a net magnetic dipole moment, as in the paramagnetic / ferromagnetic substances. But substances like Bismuth have strong diamagnetic properties - which means that when a magnetic field is applied to them, a magnetic moment is induced, whose direction is opposite to the magnetic field, as opposed to a paramagnetic substance,  in which the (permanent) magnetic dipoles tend to point in the same direction as the applied field. These energies are probably induced by a poorly explained phenomenon known as " exchange coupling ".


CURIE'S LAW which has a special significance to homoeopathic potentization, states that the magnetisation of a specimen is directly proportional to the effective value of magnetic induction in which the specimen is placed , and inversely proportional to the temperatures.


  1.3 Nuclear Magnetism


The nucleus of a substance also possesses a dipole moment, which is attributed to the proton. The value of this energy is about 660 times smaller than the magnetic moment of an electron (of the same substance) associated  with the spin.


Present techniques are far too insensitive to detect nuclear magnetism. Hence  the moment effects of atoms are measured in ratio to the nuclear resonance of that substance with the help of existing methods e.g. the cyclotron.


It is also observed that even at this level, one can change the energy of a system in a periodic motion if an external influence acts on it at the same frequency as that of its motion.


 1.4 Energy absorption at an atomic level


Another phenomenon of physics, which would be applicable to homoeopathy is the property of a substance to absorb external energy at a frequency close to its n.r.f. as explained in 1.1 above.



 Energy Level (E)  =  y axis,     Time (T) = x axis,  E=0 on x axis. E=1, E=2, E=3, E=4, E=5,  in ascending    

values along the y axis. Excitation takes place at a given point A1 on the energy level E1 and then reaches a point B as energy is absorbed. The energy level then falls to a point C on energy level E3, following which energy is released
and a stable energy is reached at E1 at point A2.)



















At the atomic level , a similar phenomenon occurs which can be explained as follows:


An electron in orbit is at Energy level E1 which is a stable energy level (A1). As it is excited by an external energy source close to or at its n.r.f. it moves to another energy level , say E5 . At this point it is in a highly unstable state 'B'. To achieve stability it has to come back to E1. It may do this in many ways peculiar to its properties. In the given example, it comes first to energy level E3, then to E1. But, characteristic energy (E2) is released in this single quantum jump from C back to A2.










The Electromagnetic Spectrum needs to be applicable to Homoeopathy in three stages, to prove its efficacy.


2.1 The preparation of Potency (The Plussing Technique)


How is it that dynamic drug energy is transferred to alcohol / sugar of milk? How is the potency of this medication gradually raised?


It is possible that homoeopathic potencies are in the range of nuclear magnetism which is attributed to the minute magnetic moment of a proton (explained in 1.2 and 1.3 above) . During potentization, some process of " exchange coupling " takes place between the magnetic dipole of the drug substance and that of the alcohol or sugar of milk. The process of potentization releases kinetic and thermal energy at the required frequency. This is absorbed by the protons of the drug substance (and of alcohol and water), at its own frequency, thus changing its energy to create the range of homoeopathic spectrum for that drug substance.


Homoeopathic potencies are available in standard potencies. In some cases, one may require a slightly higher potency  which is not readily available. To overcome this problem, a technique has been devised termed as the " Deviated Doses Repeated Schedule ". Its therapeutic use will be elaborated later. Here, I would like to describe the mode of preparation.



Method:-                            With a dose of 1M Potency


  1. 1 tsf. Of 1M liquid

    + 9 tsf. Of distilled water

       STIRRED for 10 rotations

       1M l+ potency


  1. 1M 1+, 1 tsf.

    + 9 tsf. Distilled water

       STIRRED for 10 rotations

        1M 2+ potency



Subsequent potencies of deviated doses are made in a similar manner. The patient is required to increase the potency by 1+ every time he takes a dose. At some point, the potency would be the exact similimum, fulfilling the susceptibility and will completely resolve the disease condition.


This method was propounded by Hahnemann himself, in his " Chronic Diseases ". In the footnote on pg. 234,   - the medicine dissolved in water is … " taken in one or three days, it must be stirred up not only the first time, but also the other two times, by which every part thus stirred, acquires another somewhat higher degree of potency and so it received more willingly by the vital force "


2.2 The therapeutics of potency ( POSOLOGY ) in a diseased individual


One would hypothesize that a diseased individual is at an energy level that is deviated from normal due to the influence of a disease producing force. Hahnemann, in his Organon of Medicine has termed the acute disease producing force as ACUTE miasm, which includes external " morbific " agents such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, etc. The chronic disease-producing forces, more difficult to cure are the MIASMS Psora, Syphillis and Sycosis.


The n.r.f. of an individual is what Hahnemann probably termed as the vital force. The disease producing force affects the vital force of an individual, which changes the susceptibility to an abnormal state, either too high or too low, so that it is unable to return to normal without the help of an external medicinal agent. The vital force (as explained in  § 9 - 15) may cause a spontaneous recovery from disease - as especially seen in acute diseases - if the deviation from normal is not great. Medicinal assistance may not be required. But as the susceptibility is badly affected especially by chronic 'miasm', the vital force is unable to return to normal unless assisted by a medicinal force.


What is then required is to obtain the required medicinal agent in the required potency. The " remedy " is obtained by observing the portrait of the disease and symptom similarity. The crux of the problem is now assessing the potency that would fulfill the susceptibility.


As explained in 1.1 and 1.4 above, the energy acceptance is maximum at or near the n.r.f. Thus one needs to assess the susceptibility i.e. the deviated energy level of an individual accurately.


This is assessed by the intensity of symptoms, duration of disease, sensitivity of the individual, past history of the patient, complications and associated pathological changes. Age, sex and nutritional factors also play a big part in affecting the susceptibility. With this data, one would reach an appropriate potency, say about 1M.


 It could also be possible that the n.r.f. of this individual in a diseased state is slightly greater than 1M. Using the scale of the deviated doses schedule, one may postulate that his n.r.f. is at 1M +5 level. To return to normal, the vital force will absorb energy from all frequencies at and around 1M +5.


A repeated dose of 1M potency would help. But to hasten cure or cause a quick, gentle resolution of disease, one would require a potency of exactly 1M +5, perhaps only in a SINGLE dose, as the energy absorption would be maximum at that level and cure would take place.


2.3 The Process of Cure


Hanemann in his Chronic Diseases (cf. Footnote on pg. 177), quotes Count Buquoy who made a similar observation 200 years ago. Though it may not be very accurate, it expresses the same phenomenon. He says that "if a patient with the symptoms x, y, z is given a drug known to produce symptoms a,b,g which are similar to the symptoms of the disease, it is observed that " the disease symptoms are ' transformed ' into the drug symptoms of which the latter have the peculiar characteristic of temporariness or transitoriness. This

'transitory ' character belongs to the group of symptoms of the medicine, abg, which is substituted for  the group of symptoms belonging to the disease, merely because the medicine is used in an extraordinarily small dose ".


In modern terms, the vital force is at an  n.r.f. deviated from normal due to a disease-producing force   -  more often miasmatic in origin    -  and is handicapped and unable to return to normal state of susceptibility. This is expressed in the form of symptoms x,y,z. It is observed that a drug substance is capable of producing symptoms a,b,g which are found to similar to x,y,z. If the drug substance is supplied to the vital force at or near its n.r.f. (which is an " extraordinarily small dose " ), the vital force accepts this energy and now acts under the influence of the drug-induced condition and achieves stability by " throwing off " this deviant energy, or as explained in § 1.4 above, a quantum of characteristic energy is released and the system returns to its original, stable self.


In his Organon of Medicine §2, Hahnemann states that " the highest ideal of cure is a Rapid, Gentle and Permanent restoration of health, or removed and annihilation of the disease in its whole extent in the shortest, most reliable and most harmless way on easily comprehensible principles ".


The plussing technique would seek to achieve this aim, gradually increasing the potency till one reaches the exact resonance of the individual since it is at this precise potency that cure would take place as Hahnemann wished in § 2.



Patterns of Remedy Reactions:-


This is an attempt to explain the commonly experienced remedy reactions in homoeopathy with the concept of natural resonant frequency.


  1. SIMPLE AMMELIORATION:-In this case, the potency of the remedy exactly matches the n.r.f. of the patient or first slightly lower.    Hence the patient's vital force easily accepts the external medicinal energy supplied and proceeds towards a cure.



  1. HOMOEOPATHIC AGGRAVATION:- In this case, the potency of the remedy is higher than the n.r.f. of the patient or the remedy has been repeated too often. Thus this excess energy absorbed manifests itself in the form of aggravation of the existing symptoms.



  1. MEDICINAL AGGRAVATION:- The chosen drug being partially similar may match the patient at a particular level. The n.r.f. is a summation of forces i.e. a " dipole moment " existing after all similar and opposite forces cancel out. These are a variety of forces existing in the body, the summation of which gives a particular frequency. A partially similar remedy may move a frequency similar to a particular part of the body i.e. may involve only a certain component of the n.r.f. Thus a few symptoms are ammeliorated, others are enhanced, while new symptoms are produced by the drug substance resonating with the dissimilar component of the patients system.




This is an original writing by Dr. Leela D'Souza Francisco, MD (Hom), MSc (Hom) HMD in partial fulfillment of the degree of HMD obtained in 1998 from The British Institute of Homeopathy, UK. 


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